Volunteering is when you put yourself forward to help by offering your services to the society you live, in or one far away. Volunteers do this without being paid for the services they provide. It is a great way to develop your skills, get work experience and references for your CV as well as give something back to society.

The benefits are felt by the people being served and the person serving. Many a time, when you are serving others, you forget about yourself. Once you are out of the equation, the other persons needs become greater than your own. Focusing on someone else, helps you to overcome selfishness, pride and gain humility. These are very sought after human traits that are often only gained by being in life situations and adapting along the way. Many people will volunteer and find themselves changed in a very positive way. It can also be therapeutic to help others as when your focus is off of yourself and your worries, you can have a break from all of these things and see the bigger picture. Perhaps you may find that your worries weren’t as bad as you previously thought. There are many different kinds of volunteer activities to take part in like education, animals, health, water, children and more. You would usually have some type of training by the organization before volunteering, but it is not mandatory to join an organization. You can volunteer at your local pet shelter to feed the animals or at an elderly home to provide entertainment in the form of playing a musical instrument.

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Giving Something Back to Society with Volunteering

By: Steve Volman
Volunteering for a worthwhile organization can add purpose to a persons free time. Oftentimes a volunteer begins to feel a connection with the people who work for the organization that is in need of help. For example, a person volunteering time at an animal shelter may begin to establish friendships with the shelter workers along with the animals staying in the shelter. In an ideal volunteer situation, both the volunteer and the organization benefit. The first step toward becoming a volunteer is finding the right organization.

When a person is interested in volunteering, it is helpful to have a specific place in mind. For instance, a person may want to volunteer at a homeless shelter that they drive by each day. In this case, the person could stop in, call, or email the homeless shelter and offer their time to the manager in charge of running the organization. Potential volunteers should be sure to express the hours and days that they are available.

An animal shelter is a great place for a pet lover to volunteer time. The simplest way to begin volunteering at an animal shelter is to visit one and express to the organizer a wish to help there. If the organizer has time, the person should request a tour through the shelter and ask about the duties of a volunteer. Some examples of volunteer work in an animal shelter include exercising the dogs, feeding the dogs and cats, cleaning, and spending playtime with the animals. A person who volunteers at an animal shelter has the important responsibility of helping to make sure the animals stay healthy and happy so they will be ready to go home with a new family.

Another way to find a volunteering opportunity is to look in the local newspaper or online. Try to find an article on a specific shelter or other organization. In many cases, the organization will put out a call for volunteers within the article. Reading the article helps people learn a little bit about the organization along with who to contact if they are interested in volunteering.

Volunteer opportunities may be found on bulletin boards or in the newsletter of a church, library, or recreation centre. Responsible, reliable volunteers are in great demand and many organizations make diligent efforts to get the word out if they are looking for people to help.

Finally, one of the most effective ways to find a rewarding volunteer opportunity is to talk to a friend who volunteers. Chances are, the person feels strongly about the organization where they devote hours of their time. Ask your friend to explain what he or she does there and how many hours they donate. Also, inquire about the successes of the organization. Receiving a first-hand account of an organization from a friend will be very helpful in deciding if it is a volunteer opportunity worth pursuing.

No matter where a person chooses to donate his or her time, a volunteering experience can be fulfilling in a great many ways. Even if the volunteer can spare only a couple hours a week, the organization in need will appreciate the help.

Article source: Expert Articles

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