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History of Swimming

The history of swimming goes way back to that of prehistoric times. Books written from 2000 to 1500 BC including the Bible have...
Swimmers Swimming With A Swim Board.

Some Healthy Plus Points Of Learning Effective Swimming

"Stayhealthy" is a new logo of everyone nowadays. For being healthy, many people are getting involved in the GYM, aerobics and other similar...

Want to Know How to Play Soccer?

Soccer is becoming increasingly popular with players from around the world, how to play soccer is an issue which is frequently discussed. Read...

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Building Better Basketball Skills By Doing The Right Drills

Basketball coaching drills will greatly increase your teams' ability to play. Whether you are just beginning as a basketball Coach or if you...

Gym Fitness – Benefits of Joining a Gym

A gymnasium is not just a place where you work out for health, but it has become an indispensable institution for mankind to...

Top Health Benefits of Cycling

Cycling is growing more and more popular in the UK after our success at the London 2012 Olympics, and with schemes across the...

Sports Spot Hobbies

Further Reading

Golfing Holidays In France

With stunning surroundings and wonderful gastronomy really makes France a top destination for golfers and from Biarritz to Brittany, France can offer a...

The Benefits Of Skating For Kids

Skating can be done in many forms such as ice skating, roller blading, inline skating and many more. Many children skate just to...

Gym Fitness – Benefits of Joining a Gym

A gymnasium is not just a place where you work out for health, but it has become an indispensable institution for mankind to...

Getting the Most Exercise Out of Playing Basketball

People that are looking to lose weight are always looking for a good cardiovascular workout. Sports such as basketball combine the joys of...

Basketball – A Sport For Every Age

But basketball can be enjoyed outside the b-ball court, as well, and can be a great way to simply get some exercise while...

Want to Know How to Play Soccer?

Soccer is becoming increasingly popular with players from around the world, how to play soccer is an issue which is frequently discussed. Read...

Freestyle Swimming Techniques For Perfect Strokes And Speed

Ten Freestyle Swimming Tips that can change it all. Tip 1: Ensure that your head is aligned with your spine. Keep your back straight...

4 Game Variations Of Basketball

Basketball does not just have to be strictly rule regulated play on an indoor wooden court. There are actually many different variations on...

Enhance Your Backyard Amusement With Badminton Pro Set

Badminton is a sport that can be performed anywhere by anybody and is a perfect way of recreation in the pleasant weather with...

About Darts Throwing

The Grip 1. Be direct and aim. The primary purpose of your grip is to be able be to retain the end of the...

Key points to be remembered while playing darts

Darts is a standardized game played by majority of people. In this sport, a complete dart set is available in which a dartboard...

Basketball Fitness Starts with Diet

One of the underappreciated aspects of basketball is the management of one’s weight.  Even for a person that is simply looking for a...

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Further Reading


9 Important Badminton Basics Beginners Should Learn

The following are a few important basics a beginner should learn in order to play a decent and casual badminton game (It is...

About Darts Throwing

The Grip 1. Be direct and aim. The primary purpose of your grip is to be able be to retain the end of the...

How to Play Basketball

Sports often require a variety of skills and techniques that one must master in order to perform competitively. Basketball, in particular, tests one's...

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