Indoor Hobbies

Indoor Hobbies
Model Building

Model Building

Model building is usually done by purchasing a kit or materials and components to make your desired object. Usually the model you are...


Drawing is an easy way to express emotions, ideas or inner visions through representation – mostly making pencil impressions on a sheet of...


Puzzles are made to test the mind and keep your brain functionality active. Usually there is a problem to solve, like pieces that...
Musical instruments

Musical Instruments

Learning to play musical instruments is like learning a new language, a universal language. When choosing which instrument you would like to learn, you...


DIY, or in other words Do It Yourself is the act of making, repairing or building a product on your own, without professional...


Darts is a game and competitive sport where the player throws small, pointed, steel-tipped, miniature javelins at a circular target. The target is...

Animals and Pets

Pets are companion animals, kept for company or protection. You can also keep animals for other reasons like: as livestock, for sports, for...
Face Painting

Face Painting

Face painting is when you apply special cosmetic paint to a person’s face in a creative way. There are specific cosmetic paints that...


Gymnastics requires strength, flexibility and balance. The events in gymnastics include vault, balance beam, uneven bars, floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, parallel...


Chess is a well-loved board game for two players. Chess is played on a checkered chessboard, containing 64 squares in total. Each of...